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Presence. Reflection. Connection.


Mentoring for Teens and Young Adults

With years of experience, the best approach I've found to work with youth is individually based. Each session is an hour to two, depending if we're in person or remote. Within our time, I look for the best method to work with each person. This may be a hike in the woods, painting or drawing, writing, talking, having tea, or simply going on a drive to a gorgeous look out. When meeting by way of a zoom session or even a phone call, each session also caters to the needs of the individual. Connection happens in many different ways. The baseline for mentoring is a trusted, honest, authentic relationship where reflection is offered and compassionate support is given.



~Contact me below for rates, and so I know how I may serve you best.~

Parent Coaching

There are times when parents find themselves in need of a different lens or perspective when in relationship with their teen. Challenges and difficulties arise, triggers happen, communication can suffer. I offer tools and perspective that can help parents re-center and from there move stuck places and bring harmony back to the relationship. These sessions can be remote or in-person, with or without your teen, depending on the need and situation.


~Contact me below for rates and so I may know how to serve you best.~


Parent/Teen Coaching and Mentoring
Two Month Package

This package is designed to bring more harmony, understanding, awareness, and connection into the relationship between parent and child. It is catered to the needs of both clients and the specific relationship dynamics personal to them. 


This package is eight weeks long.

Week 1:  I will meet with the teen and parent separately

Week 2:  We will meet all together.

Week 3:  We will meet separately

Week 4: Together ...

This pattern continues for the eight week duration.


After these initial eight weeks, we can continue to meet as desired for both parent and teen together or individually. 


~Contact me below for rates.~



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Family Immersions

"The waters in which they swim."

Family systems create the foundation for how we learn to navigate relationship, communication, conflict, and problem solving. The family, created by each person, comes with its own agreements and dynamics conscious and unconscious, healthy and unhealthy. This three-day experience happens in-person. I come to you. During our time, we look at what is working and what needs tending. Circles, activities, conversations, journaling accent the deep dive into more awareness and understanding for each person. You can come with a specific situation needing holding or just a general call for well-being. You will come out of our time together with new agreements, connection, and healthier ways of being with each other.


Please reach out for more information.

This is a custom experience based on your family's needs. 

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